Everything to know about Fleas and flea control in Pets

Afsheen Mujtaba
6 min readFeb 27, 2021


different kinds of pets

You take so much care of your pet, but it still gets fleas. You think why? Fleas are the pet owner’s nightmare. Undoubtedly, our Pets are sensitive and most important to us. But even a walk or visit to a neighbor or just playing outdoors can cause the flea problem. So how to avoid the problem? First, let’s understand what fleas are.

Understand fleas.

Fleas are parasites. So it’s clear they feed on blood. Roughly, an adult flea is 3 millimeters in size. Their body shapes facilitate them to move through the fur of their host. Usually brown in color, fleas are relatively easy to spot. Their food is the host’s blood. So they have chewing mouthparts to help them in bloodsucking. Like vampires, right!

Female fleas lay thousands of eggs in their lifetime; hence the population explodes. They survive at a temperature around 700F and at a humidity of 70%. The adults, given the correct temperatures, can live more than a year. Fleas rarely bite humans. However, it’s the pets who suffer badly. Their beautiful and soft fur provides this bloodsucking beast a breeding place for their growth. Similarly, so do your carpet, curtains, sofas, and other clothing items.

Life of a flea.

Fleas have a complete four-stage life cycle as eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult. Almost 95% of the eggs, larvae, and pupae live in your environment and not on the pet. Eggs and larva fall off the pet, thus spreading the problem. You treat adult insects and relax. But fleas come back. Eggs usually take 21 days to hatch. Later, in the larvae stage, they hide in your clothing items and furniture. Dead skin cells and fallen hair help them survive. Even in unsuitable conditions, larvae stay inactive, of course waiting for the right time. Hence, if you think you have completely solved the problem; you would like to think twice.

Spot the spread of fleas.

Do you want to check where fleas are? Check your pet’s lair. If your pet has a flea problem, you’ll find heaps of fleas there.

Therefore, if you find your pet scratching or have red swollen spots with irritation with thickened skin areas. And last, have an unaccounted insect bite yourself. It seems likely, “you have a Flea problem.” Take care of it immediately. Otherwise, you are going to face it again and again. Always consult your vet if you spot a flea problem. Visit and tackle the problem swiftly.

First, take care of your pet for flea control.

Bath your pet every few days with lukewarm water and mild soap. Because bath will keep their fur clean and soak away the tiny predators. If you are using some shampoo for flea treatment, first consult your vet for the best advice.

Moreover, be extra careful as your pet’s skin may be sensitive. The same goes for raw spots and cuts. Instead of treating fleas, these products can worsen the situation.

Groom your pet; strengthen your bond with your pet and get rid of fleas.

Groom your pet regularly. Comb with a very fine-tooth flea comb. The comb removes the flea and their debris. Pay special attention to tail and neck areas. As they are most hairy and fleas mostly nest there. Keep a bowl of lukewarm and water as you comb your pet. Since fleas can jump quickly, you must drown them to get rid of them properly. Regular combing will get you three benefits.

1. you know your pet has fleas or not.

2. your efforts working in controlling the flea? And

3. while combing, you spend quality time with your pet. It makes your bond with your pet stronger than ever.

Keep your house clean for flea control.

Cleanliness is the first step to get rid of fleas. When you keep your surroundings clean, your pet is safe from these parasites. Thoroughly wash clothing items of your house. And with very hot water. Soak them for a while before washing. This will also get rid of all the insects you cannot see. Use a steam cleaner for your carpet and pet beds. Also, Vacuum floors and mattresses, especially those in your bedrooms and living rooms. Try to use a vacuum with a disposable bag, so throw it far away without coming in contact with it. Also, use a dehumidifier.

Don’t forget the yard; fleas target them too!.

Another targeted point is your yard. Allow lots of sunshine and air to cross through it. Hence keep your yard clean. Trim shrubs and mow your lawn regularly. Make less shady places for the fleas to hide and come back. A neat and clean yard will also discourage wild animals from thriving there. The stray cats and raccoons are potential carriers of fleas. Restricting them off your yard will help you control the flea problem. Also, if you suspect fleas on your pet after playing in the yard, spray nematodes to all shady areas. Soon you’ll see a decrease in the flea population.

Be careful with the flea treatments.

Beware of the flea treatments, too. The treatments can be dangerous to kids and pets. The powders, collars, or skin lotions applied directly to pet’s skin may prove harmful. In reality, all mentioned are pesticides. You must do thorough research and be very careful while using them. Don’t just buy a product from a pet store — first, Talk to your vet to find the right one for your pet and then use it. Always remember different animals require different treatment. Whatever treatment is, you must continue its use. Fleas can easily adjust to change in environment. The improperly used treatments can make fleas immune, and even with your best efforts, the problem persists. Therefore, follow the instructions for the safety of your pet.

Take care of all the pets and get rid of fleas.

You are an animal lover. You may have more than one pet. The number of pets increases the problem by many folds. Every pet is a potential carrier and may generate the problem. So treat every animal separately, even only one of them is scratching.

Treat the problem at home.

Every pet gets fleas once in a while, so don’t worry. Here are a few home remedies for you can get rid of fleas.

Diatomaceous earth is good option for flea control.

This very fine, organic, non-toxic, and food-grade powder is your best shot against fleas. Made from fossilized algae, it’s the most effective home remedy against fleas. It cuts through the waxy exoskeleton of the insect and causes dehydration. Thus killing them. This home remedy not only kills the adult fleas but also removes their eggs. You only sprinkle it in the house. You may also run it on your animal fur as it’s non-toxic. In most cases, within three days, you get rid of fleas. The population of fleas will drop drastically.

But there is a downside of diatomaceous earth. As it’s a very fine powder, it may cause lung problems for any family member suffering from asthma or other breathing difficulties. So be a little careful while using it.

Salt and Baking Soda can do wonders for flea control.

Sprinkle fine ground salt around your house. It works as a dehydrating agent and kills all the fleas in your carpets. Accompanied by strong vacuuming, you can quickly get rid of these parasites.

Similarly, Baking soda has proved its efficiency in cleaning fleas. Just sprinkle it around the house. Also, don’t forget the furniture. Use a hard brush if need. Baking Soda will remove all hidden insects from your carpet. Vacuum thoroughly, and you have a clean house.

Try Citrus fruits too for flea control:

Another home remedy is to use citrus fruits like lemons and oranges. The extract of these fruits works wonderfully in repelling these insects. Make a spray and use it around the house. But be very careful about using it — the reason; your pets. The remedy is not suitable for cat owners, as cats can experience allergic reactions.

Vinegar may serve your purpose of flea control:

You can use vinegar too. An effective home remedy to get rid of fleas. Use equal amounts of water and vinegar to make a spray. Add some essential oils like lavender, etc. Not only is your house free from pests, but it smells nice too.

However, you must be careful if you are a cat owner. Like citrus fruits, cats may also develop allergies to the vinegar solution.

Make a trap for fleas.

Mix a few spoons of a strong dishwasher to water. Leave it overnight. You’ll be surprised to see how many fleas got trapped. Not only this remedy regularly checks the flea population in your house, but it also eliminates them.

And finally

Fleas prove a severe problem for you and your pets. It requires a constant effort round the year. If the situation gets out of hand, use professional help. It isn’t easy to stay 100% safe. But with cleanliness, good grooming, and natural treatments, we can save our pets.



Afsheen Mujtaba
Afsheen Mujtaba

Written by Afsheen Mujtaba

freelancer and stay-at-home-mom

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