5 innovative ways to use your smart rice cooker!
Our generation is fortunate to be in a high-tech digital world…
With innovative home solutions, our lives are much easier than our parents.
Smart devices have become an integral part of our lives, and no doubt, we heavily depend on them in our busy schedules. But are we using these tools to our full potential?
I think not.
Many of the devices have much more to offer than meets the eye. One such underrated tool is the smart rice cooker.
Let’s show you five of its features to make it much more valuable to you.
Have fresh rice whenever you want.
You can schedule your rice cooker with your mealtimes!
Wash them the night before and come home to freshly cooked rice by using the delay time function.
Now new models also can be operated through your smartphone.
With just a swish of your finger, you can start your rice cooker, and a delicious meal is ready for you to enjoy.
Enjoy fresh breakfast: cereal or the boiled egg? Your choice.
Cooking in a rice cooker is not limited to rice only.
Why don’t you try cooking cereal and boiled eggs?
Yes, you can enjoy such foods too without the hassle of boiling water!
Be cautious as the cereals and boiled eggs require different water levels.
So stick to the basic guidelines till you become an expert in making cereals using a rice cooker. Once you get hold of how much water to use, you are ready!
Scrumptious meat dishes courtesy of the rice cooker
Don’t feel down if you love meat!
Meat lovers can also enjoy the benefits of a rice cooker.
The slow cook settings of the cooker enable the meat to cook slowly in its tasty juices. You can mix all the ingredients and leave the meat portion in standard rice cooking settings.
Shift to warm settings then, for long and slow cooking.
These settings can cook all kinds of meat.
Satisfy your sweet tooth; use a rice cooker.
The most exciting part of the rice cooker — you can make comforting desserts.
Because Dessert Goes to Heart!
You can easily make the fluffiest pancakes, poach fruits and even cheesecakes too.
All it requires is a bit of passion for cooking.
For all the deserts, the standard cooking setting is enough for the job. In the case of cakes and banana bread, the rice cooker serves as your standard oven.
Vegetable lovers get the best healthy meal; use your innovative solution.
With the smart rice cooker, you can steam vegetables just like rice.
The secret of cooking the perfect vegetable is not to make them soggy while steaming, and the rice cooker setting makes sure that does not happen.
The basket that comes with the rice cooker is a bonus for preparing delicious vegetable meals. The delay timer helps make the fresh batch when you do not feel like standing and paying attention to the pot on the stove.
The bottom line
Finally, there is one more thing to say. Smart home improvement choices have revolutionized our vision of life. However, they are best used when you know how to use them to their best-offered functions.